Every day 63 men in Canada are diagnosed with prostate cancer and 11 men die from the disease. If detected early the survival rate is close to 100%. If detected late 3 of 4 men will die.
While any man can develop prostate cancer, you may be at a high risk if you are...
Over 50: Age is the strongest risk factor for prostate cancer. Your risk increases as you get older. Prostate cancer mainly affects men over the age of 50, and the majority of cases are diagnosed in men over age 65. Men should discuss getting a PSA test with their doctor when they are 50. If you think you are at higher-than-average risk, you should consider having this discussion earlier.
Have a family history of prostate cancer: Your risk is higher if a first-degree relative (father or brother) has had prostate cancer. Your risk increases with each additional first-degree relative who has the disease.
Black men: have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer than men in the general population.
Overweight: Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight reduces you're risk. Regular exercise and a nutritious diet are important to overall well-being.
Common signs and symptoms of prostate cancer may include:
Symptoms are not always present especially in the early stages of prostate cancer. If detected and treated in its earliest stages (when cells are only in the prostate), your chances of survival are greatly increased. Early detection is key.
Reference: Canadian Cancer Society
For additional information please contact:
Prostate Cancer Support Thunder Bay
Call 1-807-627-0333 OR attend our Monthly Meeting
3rd Thursday of every month, 7:00pm at the 55 Plus Centre, 700 River Street
Disclaimer. The Prostate Cancer Support Thunder Bay does not assume responsibility or liability for the contents or opinions expressed herein. Although every precaution is taken to ensure that information is accurate, differences of opinion exist and the Prostate Cancer Support Thunder Bay takes no responsibility for views expressed herein, nor do they necessarily reflect those of the publishers, sponsors, or organizations affiliated with us. The Prostate Cancer Support Thunder Bay does not recommend treatment modalities, medications, or physicians. Information should not be used for purposes of self diagnosis or as an alternative to medical care. If you suspect you have cancer see a physician immediately.